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Functional programming introduction

Reduce operation is the key operation for solving many problems, and it's built-in many data structures in Scala. It's very powerful but requires some practice to start using it for solving problems.

An example task from is as follow. You are asked to implement a program that compresses strings a-Z. For input aaa, the program should return a3; if a compressed version is the same length as the input text or smaller, the program should return the original text. For example, input ab should return ab.

Imperative solution

The natural solution for many developers would be an imperative solution which is based on mutation for a local state and loops.

Here is an example in JavaScript

function compress(text) {
    let compressedResult = "";
    let tmp = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
        let c = text.charAt(i);
        if (!tmp || tmp.charAt(tmp.length - 1) === c) {
            tmp += c;
        } else {
            compressedResult += tmp.charAt(0) + tmp.length;
            tmp = c;
    compressedResult += tmp.charAt(0) + tmp.length;
    return compressedResult.length < text.length ? compressedResult : text;

Task 1.6 sources

This solution works, and it might be efficient. The problem is it involves many conditions, which are very often a source of bugs. Also, it requires a lot of effort from a developer to parse in their mind every line and get a general idea of how it works. Yes, a developer has to imitate the runtime execution of the program.

Functional solution

Let's consider now a functional solution in Scala

def compress(text: String): String = {
    return text
      .map(character => Group(character.toString))
        (a, b) => if (a.last() == b.last()) Group(a.character, a.count + b.count) else Group(a.result() + b.character, b.count)
      .filter(_.resultSize() < text.length)

case class Group(character: String, count: Int = 1) {

  def last(): String = character.last.toString

  def result(): String = character + count

  def resultSize() = character.length

Task 1.6 sources

This time we use reduceLeft operation, which significantly reduces the complexity of the solution. You might notice for this approach, a developer focuses more on what they want to get, not on instructing how exactly it should happen. We still have some if conditions, but in Scala they are expressions, not statements, so we can nicely compose them with our reduced operation. Also, some If conditions were replaced with filtering. This downside of the solution is a developer needs to understand reduce operation, but still this knowledge pays off in long term, and it reduces a lot of work needed to accomplish a task.

//TODO Give more context for reduce/reduceLeft operations for Scala.

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